Hi. I’ve just been reminded by
the Lord that 20 yrs ago the church I was part of held a worship vigil
outside a large spiritualists meeting in the centre of Liverpool. Some
of us debated with those queuing up outside to try to persuade them not
to go in. To my surprise most of those in the cue thought they were Christians.
of these people did not have Christian’s beliefs at all.
However many others did, some being Catholic others protestants. They
had been deceived concerning the form of spirituality they had ended
up moving in though. Christians, if deceived, can end up moving in the
supernatural via the occult by mistake. They can then receive visions,
perform healings and acquire words of knowledge, etc. in the same way
as those who deliberately move in the occult do. Deceived Christians
can move in other spirits and demonic powers by mistake.
I have a friend
who was part of a New Age group who healed a man of cancer. The patients
G.P confirmed this healing. This was therefore a
genuine miracle performed via occult power. This occult power can sometimes
seem as if it is from God but it is satanic in origin. O/T e.g. Pharaohs
magicians in (Gen 7;11), N/T e.g. Simon the magician (Acts 8;9).
I have
noticed that New Ager's and especially Spiritualists sometimes mistakenly
think they are Christians, believing their views differ from
ours simply because they have advanced on to greater/superior level of
knowledge than us. Things are not always clean cut either. Some genuine
Christians can have a foot in both camps at the same time without realising
it, moving sometimes in the Holy Spirit, at others times in the anointing
of New Age/occult spirits. If ones spiritual practice differs from that
of the bible there may be cause for concern.
If Satan can deceive genuine
believers into moving in the wrong spirit, then we need to test Christian
ministries as the bible directs us too.
We can't just assume that they are all moving in the Holy Spirit just
because they have healings or miracles taking place in their meetings.
Discernment is needed, but the ultimate test is against scripture.
told us "You will know them by their fruits". The fruit
of their character. Have such ministries led moral lives? Also the fruit
of their lips. Are their teachings in line with scripture?? And are their
spiritual practises and experiences in line with those of the early Apostles
and prophets as recorded in the N/T? If not then such ministries may
have been deceived into moving in the wrong spirit. They could then be
used by satan to do miracles by occult power to impress other Christians
and then lead them into the same errors. Satan knows that we don't follow
after leaders of other religions. He will therefore try to use deceived
Christians to lead other believers astray in this way.
In the Western World
Christians are hungry for the supernatural having been through years of
drought. Very often though believers today fail
to weigh up or discern the spirits. Many are easily deceived as a result.
Some Christians today do not even realise that occult counterfeits of
the Holy Spirit exist, or that there is a gift called “discerning
of spirits”, (1 Cor 12; 10), with which to test these things.
those with Christian beliefs who cued up outside that spiritualist meeting
in Liverpool some of today's believers could easily end up going
astray spiritually, moving away from the Holy Spirit into a deceptive
form of spirituality. Not necessarily going to a spiritualist church
but more likely moving in the wrong spirits anointing within their existing
church. They could do more harm to the body of Christ there. Many believers
have been deceived and gone down that path historically.
Ultimately this
can lead to some gradually moving away from scripture, into false teachings
and "giving heed to deceiving spirits and the
doctrines of demons", (1 Tim 4;1). An example was William Branham
who ended up teaching some very weird things that most people eventually
realised weren't scriptural at all. Many followed his error because they
were impressed by the healings he had performed. Some have even become
apostate as a result of such errors, and departed from the faith altogether,
as we read in the book of 1 John.
So surely we need to be very careful about
weighing up spiritual phenomena before assuming that all the Christian
meetings that exhibit healings
or other spiritual manifestations are necessarily moving in the Holy
Spirit. It is possible that they could be moving in another spirit altogether.
wonder the bible tells us "to test all things" (1 Thess
5.21). And why Jesus warned us to beware of “signs and wonders” sent “to
deceive if possible even the elect", (Matt 24:24), reminding us
that “You will know them by their fruits”, (Matt 7.16), the
fruit of the Spirit, their godly lives, not the miracles they perform.
Not every miracle is of Gods Spirit.
May God bless you, and give you discernment;
Steve Dobbs, May 2008.
N.K.J.V used. Please feel free to copy and distribute
this as you see fit. Website www.wordconnect.org
other relevant prophecies see website: www.propheciesfortoday.uk.com