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Decoding Rick Joyner’s “THE FINAL QUEST”
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12) Conclusion: - Summarised Version:

In conclusion “The Final Quest” is a series of deceptive visions, dreams, trances and supposed visitations to “heaven” that have been sent to lead Joyner and his followers astray. These call for believers to focus on engaging in harmful spiritual warfare against other Christians in the end times. Joyner’s side attempt to convert all other Christians to their strange new beliefs, by sending their new “revelations” upon them against their will. This is highly controlling and parallels the casting of spells within witchcraft. Joyner refers to this as the great Christian Civil War. Controlling the church is revealed as Joyner’s main quest.

This book also encourages people to seek prophetic messages from the deceased instead of trusting in God’s Holy Spirit for these. One deceptive spirit imitates the Apostle Paul and tells Joyner that the first Apostles were all failures and that we cannot trust two thirds of the New Testament for teaching. Joyner is then encouraged to seek after new revelations to add to and replace the doctrines in scripture. Joyner calls upon other spirits of the dead/deceased to return to earth as great white eagles to assist his side in gaining control of the body of Christ. His side are also given prophetic vision by these white eagles in much the same way as New Agers are assisted by spirit guides. This reliance on the spirits of the dead is occult spiritualism not biblical Christianity.

Joyner discovers new revelations and gifting as he climbs up a spiritual mountain, none of which bear any resemblance to anything described in the bible. Joyner also believes that Jesus has told him to return to the lost messages of a deceased minister who, from the lengthy description, can be none other than William Branham. As most people today realise Branham was influenced by deception and claimed that the pyramids and signs of the zodiac carried as much spiritual authority as the bible. Branham ‘s followers expect him to return to earth in spirit form in the end times in much the same way as Joyner predicts the great white eagles will do. Joyner appears to be attempting to prepare parts of the church for this already by holding meetings each year to honour the past healing revivalists of the last century, including Branham. Joyner claims that this will enable us to acquire the anointing that was once upon them instead of seeking God for His Spirit. This is the way Joyner and his associates intend to birth a healing revival in the end times but this is all based on spiritualism and idolising the deceased.

Joyner believes that with the help of the white eagles/the spirits of deceased saints, his side will gain control of the church and that all Christians who disagree with him will then be cast out of the body of Christ. He predicts that he and some of his followers will then emerge as judges over the church. He predicts that he and these judges will then bind up Satan themselves and go on to govern the entire world with all men flock into the kingdom, including all unbelievers. However according to the bible it will be the antichrist and his beast empire who will rule the world in the very end times not the Christian church. There is no mention of the return of Christ anywhere in this book, instead Joyner believers that he and the dreaded warriors will accomplish Gods purposes without the Second Coming taking place. This reveals the deceptive path that Joyner’s vision and dreams can lead people down.

Today Joyner is emerging as a prominent figure within the Catholic Order of the Knights of Malta and as such has sworn to promote the aims of the Pope and Catholic Church. I believe the Lord has shown me, in the following article, that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church will promote the antichrists beast empire in the end times, “The Coming One World Religion". The deceptive New Age spirituality and false teaching contained within “The Final Quest” will line people up with Satan’s plans in the end times not the Lords.

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